G-LIST (Global Lives improved and saved tool)

Year established 2017
Activity Government (local/national), Research
Sectors Academic
Country University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom, Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS), Mahatma Gandhi Road, Blantyre, Malawi, Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD, USA, University of Leicester School of Business, London Road, Leicester, UK, University of Oxford, Wellington Square, Oxford, UK

Overall goals

The G-LIST project models the impact of government revenue on outcomes including maternal and child mortality in order to give a sense of the potential if leakages, such as tax avoidance, from government revenues, are curtailed.

Key UK Colleagues and Partners

The University of Oxford
The Overseas Development Institute
The University of Leicester School of Business
School of International Relations, Philosophy and History in the University of St Andrews

International Partners

School of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Malawi.
Department of Economics, Chancellor College, University of Malawi.
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Sustainable development goals

  • SDG 3 - Good health and well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality education
  • SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy

Funding source

The Scottish Funding Council supported this work (Official Development Assistance research allocation for 2017-2018: Global Challenges Research Fund)

Project origin

This project evolved from previous work done with colleagues at St Andrews, University of Malawi, John Hopkins and UNU WIDER. Colleagues from the University of Oxford, the School of Business at the University of Leicester and the Overseas Development Institute collaborated on this project.

Evidence of need

While it is known that increased income is associated with improved outcomes in terms of health and welfare, the relationship between government revenue and outcomes has not been clearly established.

Project areas

This work will contribute to policy decisions and advocacy.

Project activities

The modelling is complete and the work is under consideration for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.


The use of the model to support environmental, social and governance decisions by investors, policymakers and advocates.

Next steps

To use the G-LIST to predict the potential reduction in mortality if leaks from government revenue are curtailed in countries with high levels of mortality.


Finding colleagues with shared interests and skills.

Mitigating challenges

A forum where partnerships could post their 'wish lists' to facilitate collaboration.

Partnership principles

  • strategic
  • harmonised
  • effective
  • respectful
  • organised
  • responsible
  • flexible

Project gains

  • teamwork
  • awareness
  • academic
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